Muraja3App is an application designed to make Quran revision simple. It's based on a well-known method where you split your revision in 2 types. Recently memorized pages (Jadeed) and old stuff (Qadeem). The Jadeed will be revised every day while the Qadeem will be divided in a certain number of days.
People who are memorizing the Quran and want to memorize it fully
One of the biggest problem in your Quran memorization journey is that, if you don't revise it regularly you will easily forget it (the Quran is 604 pages), and the problem with revision is that people don't know how to organize it because you add new stuff to your revision every day and you want to keep your revision effective and homogeneous, otherwise you will be surcharged during certain days and you won't have a good balance between revision and memorization. So the goal of this app is to create a simple revision program for the user which will automatically adapt according to his preferences and his memorization.